John - 1983 - Walks around Scotland

I found an ICL diary from 1983. It contained notes John had written while exploring some of Scotland after leaving ICL in Dalkeith on 1st April that year, planning to take some time away for personal development. I found it strange that he had not, as far as I could see, transferred these notes into the extensive descriptions of his travels to be found accompanying his photograph collections. Photos from these trips are included there, but very few words. However, I decided to type them up and they are reproduced here. Not all of them are that interesting, but the notes on his "Travel Pass Tour" are really, really entertaining.

12th April - A trip round Gallway

A few unproductive days wandering the Glen Doll forest

Title is self-explanitory

Finally managed to sail on the Waverly on the river Forth.

Having purchased a travel pass to save on travel costs, John set out touring around west and central Scotland

Another unrewarding trip weather wise, this time up Glas Maol, one of the Munroes I believe.

Having decided he should learn some Gaelic, off he sets to Stornoway to learn it! Not much detail in this description, unfortunately.